Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I don't know if I ever stated how much I love music, but I do.  Majorly.  It's the life-force that keeps me going when everything is in the shitter, and I have no idea what I'd do without it.  In this case, I'm particularly speaking about a certain songwriter by the name of MIKA.
This man has tamed my heart, and my ears, as well as the rest of me.
His music is poppy, upbeat, and just puts you in one of those "I can conquer the world" moods that everyone needs at least once a week.
Then, on the complete other end of the spectrum, he can console you if you're having the worst day in the world and somehow make it all better without being over-bright and over-cheery.
I swear I'm really, really in love with him.
That's all I've got for today--wicked midterms tomorrow: three in a row.  Youch!  Then a major presentation due Monday for my Tech class.
This will be an interesting weekend, fo' sho'.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Days like today make me absolutely exhausted

It's pathetic that, even though I haven't really done anything today except for go to class, I'm absolutely exhausted.  Personally, I blame it on the weather: this gloomy "I'm going to rain at any minute but am keeping the skies particularly grey until then" weather and feel to the day is absolutely draining my ambition.  I want nothing more than just to snuggle up in bed with some music, a good book, or the TV on and just pass out for the rest of the day.  
Goodness I'm getting rather pathetic, aren't I?  
Ambition: gone.  Desire to do homework: obliterated.  Desire to do anything: wasted.  
I just want to sleep x.x
Damn having class and doing the "right thing" by going to it.  
in other news I officially have an eye infection, similar to getting "a cold in your eye" said the doctor.  So basically it's pink eye.  I missed work on Sunday because of it, and I'm less than thrilled--I really could've used the hours.  So instead of having thirteen and a half, i'm stuck with eight and a half for an entire week.  That's not even enough to compensate me for gas driving up and back.  
Despite that, though, everything is going pretty well.  I'm off contacts for awhile, and I hate hate hate wearing my glasses everywhere.  My eyes are enjoying it, though, methinks.  They certainly don't hurt anymore at least.  
That's pretty much it for now.  In Tech class, waiting to be bored shitless.  

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I am officially at 227 lbs!  Yay!  
Granted, it went up a few pounds since last time, but I’m still below 230, which is fantastic.  
Reasons why I believe it went up/hasn’t gone down:
-I’m PMSing, so I’ve got more water weight and all that lovely jazz.
-Due to aforementioned health condition, I downed a whole pint of ice-cream in one sitting.  Youch.  
-I’m gaining muscle! 
All in all, I’m pretty damn happy with the results :]  We’ll see what next weekend brings, but right now I’ve gotta get to working out, showering, and heading to work.  
Any suggestions for weight loss?  

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Butts and Guts

I officially had my world rocked this weekend: rocked, then torn up, and placed through a paper shredder.  All courtesy of this silly class on campus between 5:30 and 6 pm called Butts and Guts.
Do not be fooled by the cute name, nor the fact that it's "only a half an hour"
Oh no.
I went in thinking "This is gonna be great!  It's a quick work-out that I can do, then go grab some food, and continue with the rest of my day!
More like limp through the rest of my day, wounded and wheezing.
B&G compacts a mixture of sadism with working out, which sounds pretty normal, but kicked up a few notches.  It starts out pretty regular: marching in place, jumping jacks, butt kicks, high knees to get the muscles warmed up and working.  Then comes the squats.  And more squats.
And still more squatting.
And lunging.  Lots, and lots, and lots of lunging.
If you have never squatted or lunged in your life, dear friend, you are in for a treat if you try it out.
Okay, so the butts part was expected, I suppose: I mean, it's part of the silly name!  So when is the "guts" part gonna catch up to me?
Very soon, young padawan, very soon.
We started out crunching, which is pretty standard.  Not difficult, but enough to strain your tummy.  Then come the oblique work outs.  Ouch.  OUCH.  I'm still feeling it.
Planking is next.  And reverse planking.  And side planking.  Four times, until I'm literally shaking and cannot hold myself up anymore.
We're not done yet!  Oh-ho no!
Then comes another ten or so minutes of abs, followed by a few more minutes of butt work-outs.
I swear, if my booty doesn't look like JLo's or Beyonce's, I'm going to be PISSED.
and if I don't have a rock-hard eight pack like Gerrard B. did in 300, I will file a complaint.
Okay, maybe not an 8 pack, but can I at least have, y'know, two?  That'd be swell.
All in all, it was a good workout--the best make you feel them continuously.
That's all I've got--going to work out again this morning at 9 am!  wooo.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Necessary introductory post

Well, I guess I had to get around to this sometime, and what better time to do it than while I'm waiting for one of my classes to start?  I can't promise anything that comes from this blog will be hilarious, life-changing, or interesting--it's guaranteed, however, to be a summary of whatever I need to get off my chest, be it writing, venting, or just some random thoughts from a college-student at two in the morning. 
I guess I should start with an introduction, huh?
I'm Audrey, a sophomore at CMU, and a major in Secondary Education with a dual focus on Spanish and English.  I'm living in the dorms most days, and driving home most weekends to work at the local Wendy's (gotta make money somehow, right?) so there are probably going to be some interesting stories that come from working, living on campus, and traveling back and forth to school at midnight every Sunday.
I have two kids disguised as cats named Madeline and Adrian, and a boyfriend back at home that sometimes disguises himself as my child, too.
The title of my blog, in case you're interested, comes from a song called "Glass" by this amazing band called Bat for Lashes.  Listen to it.  Seriously--you will love it.
Not much else to say, really.  My class is filling up as I'm writing this, and I suppose I should be getting my paper work out and prepping myself mentally for possibly one of the most boring and pointless classes I've ever taken.
Thanks for taking a look at my blog, and I hope to hear from you soon!  Don't be afraid to stop by and say hi =]  <3